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The Mailjet Team


The Sinch Mailjet team

The Sinch Mailjet team shares news, best practices, and strategies to take your digital marketing and email communications to the next level. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the articles in your inbox!

Latest stories by The Sinch Mailjet team

Hermes drawing arrow in front of envelope

Email best practices

4 min

Can email marketing still drive high engagement?

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Hera and Hermes in front of colored charcoal

Email best practices

7 min

Lessons from nonprofits: How to use email to drive revenue

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Hermes delivers mail to a Goddess by a green door

Email best practices

9 min

How to boost your email list using SEO

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Hermes is writing on the desk

Email best practices

4 min

How to align website personalization with your emailing strategy

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Hermes pointing on letter, Hera taking notes

Email best practices

4 min

How to optimize your event email marketing campaign

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Hermes writing in front of mobile screen


7 min

How to use Facebook Messenger chatbots to boost your marketing efforts

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Hermes is about to fall from an envelope in front of a Goddess standing on some stairs

Email best practices

1 min

Infographic: Rich media in email marketing

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Hermes delivers a box of letters to Hera

Email best practices

7 min

How to use your customer lifecycle to target and automate emails

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Gods in costumes


3 min

Templating language + MJML: How to code a personalized digest email

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Hermes pulling icons with a magnet

Email best practices

11 min

7 steps to turn email subscribers into paying customers

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Hermes, a Goddess and a rocket over paper

Email best practices

5 min

5 email marketing tips to take businesses to the next level

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Hermes sitting with laptop an orange sofa, Hera talking

Email best practices

3 min

Tips to master mobile-friendly email campaigns this holiday season

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