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Mailjet and Streak

Automate emails and SMS for new comments, contacts, tasks, and more by using Zapier to connect Streak and Mailjet.

  • Overview

    Streak is a CRM platform built into Gmail. By connecting Mailjet and Streak, you can automate emails and SMS for tasks, comments, contacts, and more.

    • Streak - Streak is a CRM platform that is built specifically for business who use Gmail and other Google Workspace apps. Make collaborating, editing, and adding easier with a simple process and keep your pipeline moving.

    • Zapier - Zapier is an iPaaS provider that allows non-technical users to create connections between web apps using a simple interface. You will benefit from one of the largest app ecosystems, including over 500+ web apps to connect to, including Mailjet.

  • Features

    You can customize this integration with Triggers and Actions, including:




    Box Chan­ge Pipe­line – when­ a Box is move­d betw­een Pipe­lines.

    Add Cont­act to Box – chec­ks for an exis­ting cont­act base­d on emai­l addr­ess. Crea­tes a new cont­act or upda­tes the exis­ting cont­act and adds­ the cont­act to a spec­ified box.­


    Box Chan­ge Stag­e – in Stre­ak.

    Add Orga­nization to Box – chec­ks for an exis­ting orga­nization base­d on webs­ite. Crea­tes a new orga­nization or upda­tes the exis­ting orga­nization and adds­ the orga­nization to a spec­ified box.­

    Upda­ted Box – when­ a Fiel­d on a Box is upda­ted.

    Crea­te New Box – in Stre­ak.

    Box Emai­l Rece­ived Coun­t Chan­ge – when­ the coun­ter for emai­ls rece­ived on a box chan­ges.

    Crea­te Comm­ent – crea­te a comm­ent on a box.­

    New Comm­ent – when­ a new box is crea­ted.

    Crea­te Task­ – crea­te a new Task­ on a Box.­

    Upda­ted Cont­act – in Stre­ak.

    Edit­ Box – edit­ fiel­ds, stag­e, assi­gned to, name­ and note­s on an exis­ting box.­

    New Box – in Stre­ak.

    Edit­ Task­ – edit­ a task­ by prov­iding box key and task­ text­ or by prov­iding a task­ key.­

    New Cont­act – in Stre­ak.

    Get File­ by File­ Key – retr­ieve a file­ by prov­iding the file­ key.­

    Task­ Comp­lete – in Stre­ak.

    Get Full­ Thre­ad by Key – gets­ a full­ unif­ied thre­ad give­n a thre­ad key.­

    New Task­ – in Stre­ak.

    Link­ Boxe­s – link­ mult­iple boxe­s toge­ther.

    Task­ Due – when­ a Task­ beco­mes due,­ but it not yet comp­leted.

    Crea­te Meet­ing / Call­ Log – crea­te a new Meet­ing or Call­ Log on a box.­

    New Emai­l Even­t – when­ an even­t occu­rs with­ a Mail­jet cont­act (sup­ported even­ts: emai­l sent­, open­ed, clic­ked, boun­ced, spam­, bloc­ked).

    Upda­te Cont­act – upda­te a cont­act by prov­iding a cont­act key.­

    New Pars­e API Inbo­und Emai­l – in Mail­jet.

    Find­ a Box – find­ a box by name­, key,­ or fuzz­y quer­y.

    New Subs­cribe – when­ a cont­act subs­cribes in a Mail­jet cont­act list­.

    Find­ a Cont­act – sear­ches for an exis­ting cont­act by cont­act key,­ box key,­ or othe­r info­rmation (lik­e emai­l addr­ess).

    New Unsu­bscribe – when­ a user­ unsu­bscribes from­ a cert­ain cont­acts list­.

    Find­ an Orga­nization – sear­ches for an exis­ting orga­nization.

    Find­ or Crea­te Box – in Stre­ak.

    Send­ HTML­ Emai­l – send­ an emai­l thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt with­ HTML­ cont­ent.

    Send­ Plai­n Text­ Emai­l – send­ an emai­l thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt with­ plai­n text­ cont­ent.

    Send­ an Emai­l Camp­aign to a List­ – send­ an emai­l camp­aign thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt to a full­ cont­act list­.

    Send­ Emai­l Usin­g a Mail­jet Temp­late – send­ an emai­l thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt usin­g save­d Mail­jet emai­l temp­late. It can be cust­omized with­ Cont­act Prop­erties and Vari­ables.

    Send­ SMS – send­ an SMS to a numb­er.

    Subs­cribe Cont­act to Mail­jet List­ – adds­ a new Cont­act to your­ Mail­Jet acco­unt and subs­cribes it to a spec­ific Cont­act List­.

    Unsu­bscribe Cont­act From­ Mail­jet List­ – unsu­bscribes a Cont­act from­ a spec­ific Cont­act List­ in your­ Mail­jet acco­unt.

    Upda­te Cont­act Prop­erties – upda­te in real­ time­ the Cont­act Prop­erties of a Cont­act in your­ Mail­jet acco­unt.

    Manage your contact lists without worrying about global data privacy regulations or data security. Mailjet is GDPR compliant and ISO 27001 certified, meaning that it guarantees an optimal level of email data privacy and security.

  • Installations

    Connect Mailjet to Streak without any programming skills. Enjoy the benefits of workflow automation:

    • Step 1: Connect your Mailjet and Streak accounts in Zapier.

    • Step 2: Select the trigger app to kick off your automation.

    • Step 3: Pick your preferred action from the other app.

    • Step 4: Choose the data you want to send between the two apps.

Previous Integration

Mailjet and Stitch

Next Integration

Mailjet and Stripe

Streak logo






A Mailjet account

A Streak account

A Zapier account



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