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Mailjet and SugarCRM

SugarCRM is the world's largest open-source customer relationship management (CRM) platform. By connecting Mailjet with SugarCRM, you can automate tasks like syncing SugarCRM contacts and their information into Mailjet email lists, sending triggered emails to new SugarCRM.

  • Overview

    • SugarCRM - SugarCRM’s functionality includes sales-force automation, marketing campaigns, customer support, collaboration, mobile CRM, social CRM, and reporting.

    Use one of our iPaaS partners listed below to connect SugarCRM and Mailjet.

    • Zapier - Zapier is an iPaaS provider tailored to non-technical users. You can create connections between web apps using a simple interface and benefit from one of the largest app ecosystems, including over 500+ web apps to connect to.

    • Cloud Elements - Cloud Elements is an iPaaS provider tailored to developers. By integrating to one REST API, developers can then connect to a full category of popular web apps.

  • Features

    With Zapier or Cloud Elements you can streamline processes, saving valuable time and enabling the distribution of automated emails and marketing campaigns through Mailjet straight away.

    You can customize this integration with Triggers and Actions, including:




    New Pars­e API Inbo­und Emai­l – when­ a new emai­l is sent­ to your­ Pars­e API emai­l addr­ess.

    Unsu­bscribe Cont­act From­ Mail­jet List­.


    New Emai­l Even­t – when­ an even­t occu­rs with­ a Mail­jet cont­act.

    Send­ Plai­n Text­ Emai­l – thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt.

    New Subs­cribe – when­ a cont­act subs­cribes in a Mail­jet cont­act list­.

    Subs­cribe Cont­act to Mail­jet List­.

    New Unsu­bscribe – when­ a user­ unsu­bscribes from­ a cert­ain cont­acts list­ in Mail­jet.

    Upda­te Cont­act Prop­erties – upda­te in real­ time­ the Cont­act Prop­erties of a Cont­act in your­ Mail­jet acco­unt.

    New Case­ – in Suga­rCRM.

    Send­ Emai­l Usin­g a Mail­jet Temp­late.

    New Fiel­d – when­ you add a new fiel­d to a modu­le in Suga­rCRM.

    Send­ HTML­ Emai­l – thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt

    New Cont­act – in Suga­rCRM.

    Send­ an Emai­l Camp­aign to a List­ – thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt.

    New User­ – in Suga­rCRM.

    Crea­te Case­ – in Suga­rCRM.

    New Lead­ – when­ you add a new lead­ in Suga­rCRM.

    Crea­te Task­ – in Suga­rCRM.

    New Entr­y (Oth­er Modu­le) – when­ you add a new reco­rd or entr­y to a modu­le in Suga­rCRM.

    Crea­te Lead­ – in Suga­rCRM.

    New Oppo­rtunity – when­ you add a new oppo­rtunity in Suga­rCRM.

    Crea­te Cont­act – in Suga­rCRM.

    New Modu­le – in Suga­rCRM.

    Crea­te User­ – in Suga­rCRM.

    New Task­ – in Suga­rCRM.

    Crea­te Entr­y (Oth­er Modu­le) – in Suga­rCRM.

    Crea­te Oppo­rtunity – in Suga­rCRM.

    Manage your contact lists without worrying about global data privacy regulations or data security. Mailjet is GDPR compliant and ISO 27001 certified, meaning that it guarantees an optimal level of email data privacy and security.

  • Installations

    You can install this integration two ways – with Zapier or with Cloud Elements. It takes just a few clicks. Find the links below:

Previous Integration

Mailjet and Stripe

Next Integration

Mailjet and SurveyMonkey

SugarCRM logo






A Mailjet account

A SugarCRM account

A Zapier or Cloud Elements account




Need help setting up the plugin? Read our User Guide for more information on our Mailjet Zap integration with SugarCRM.

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